Friday, November 16, 2012

Journal #5: Take it Off!


In light of the premiere last night, I decided to read an article about the movie Breaking Dawn part 2. The article is titled “It's All About Taylor Lautner's Abs, Again: 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2'” and was written by Cynthia Fuchs. I already knew I was going to enjoy reading what Fuchs had to say because I am interested in the movies, but I had no idea I would laugh so much while reading the article. I was one of the “twihards” who went to go see the movie right when it came out last night. I am also one of the girls who obsesses over Jacob’s (Taylor Lautner) body in the movies. The article talked about how even the producers of the movie realize that every teenage girl screams in excitement when Jacob takes his shirt off in the movies. This time, they made the scene comical, and had Bella’s dad, Charlie, be all awkward while he had to watch Jacob undress. Fuchs called this the “Something Gay joke.” I thought it was interesting that the article said that the producers of the Twilight Saga realize how cliché/corny/cheesy the movie can be, and that they use it to their advantage. I have read the books, and I very much enjoyed them, so whether I enjoyed the movies or not, I still always wanted to see the new ones when they came out. The storyline was already cliché to begin with, so it just made the movies that much more corny. Either way, I still enjoyed the final movie, and I think all the teenage girls enjoyed Jacob taking his shirt off. I know I did.



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